Srinivasa Banqu...More...


Deccan Serai Ho...More...

Hitech City,Hyderabad

Hotel Taar Tang...More...


Prestige Nirvan...More...

Rajendra Nagar,Hyderabad

Deccan Serai Gr...More...


Deccan Serai Ho...More...

Hitech City,Hyderabad

Hotel B Plus LMore...

Hitech City,Hyderabad

Hotel B Plus LMore...

Hitech City,Hyderabad

Brown Town Reso...More...


Trance Greenfie...More...

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Royal Grand InnMore...


Radisson Blu Ho...More...

Banjara Hills,Hyderabad

Radisson Blu Ho...More...

Banjara Hills,Hyderabad

Hotel Sai Praka...More...


Hotel Tourist P...More...


Hotel NakshatraMore...


Hotel NakshatraMore...


Classic GardensMore...


Royal Reve Hote...More...


Hotel Shelton R...More...

Ayyappa Nagar,Hyderabad

Hotel Shelton R...More...

Ayyappa Nagar,Hyderabad

Hotel The Majes...More...


Royal Regency G...More...

Asif Nagar,Hyderabad

Ms ConventionMore...

Rajiv Gandhi Intl Airport,Hyderabad

Auspacious Conv...More...


Delicacy Family...More...


Hotel Shubham P...More...


H F ConventionMore...

Rajendra Nagar,Hyderabad

Sdrs Pearl Pala...More...

Ram Nagar,Hyderabad

Classic Convent...More...

Popular Venues in Hyderabad
Annual Fest Venues in Hyderabad Venues With Starting Price
Venue Name | Capacity | Starting Price |
Srinivasa Banquets | 50 - 200 Guests | Rs. 599 price per plate |
Cilantro Hall of Deccan Serai Hotel | 1 - 220 Guests | Rs. 1200 price per plate |
Samuham of Hotel Taar Tangerine | 20 - 150 Guests | Rs. 650 price per plate |
Banquet And Lawn of Prestige Nirvana Club | 60 - 1000 Guests | Rs. 1199 price per plate |
Mint Grande Banquet Hall of Deccan Serai Grande | 1 - 120 Guests | Rs. 1500 price per plate |
Mint Hall of Deccan Serai Hotel | 1 - 45 Guests | Rs. 1200 price per plate |
Orion Banquets of Hotel B Plus L | 30 - 100 Guests | Rs. 800 price per plate |
Serene Banquets of Hotel B Plus L | 50 - 200 Guests | Rs. 800 price per plate |
Courtyard of Brown Town Resort | 50 - 200 Guests | Rs. 1599 price per plate |
Orchid Hall of Trance Greenfields Resort | 100 - 250 Guests | Rs. 2150 price per plate |
Royal Court Hall of Royal Grand Inn | 30 - 80 Guests | Rs. 450 price per plate |
The Azure Ballroom of Radisson Blu Hotel | 25 - 300 Guests | Rs. 1200 price per plate |
The Board Rooms of Radisson Blu Hotel | upto 20 Guests | Rs. 1200 price per plate |
Banquet Hall of Hotel Sai Prakash | 50 - 250 Guests | Rs. 350 price per plate |
Banquet Hall of Hotel Tourist Plaza | 100 - 600 Guests | Rs. 450 price per plate |
Vedika hall of Hotel Nakshatra | 100 - 500 Guests | Rs. 400 price per plate |
Neelam Hall of Hotel Nakshatra | 75 - 200 Guests | Rs. 400 price per plate |
Banquet Hall of Classic Gardens | 100 - 500 Guests | Rs. 600 price per plate |
Gold of Royal Reve Hotel | upto 300 Guests | Rs. 700 price per plate |
The Bliss Banquet Hall of Hotel Shelton Rajamahendr | upto 1000 Guests | Rs. 500 price per plate |
Symphony of Hotel Shelton Rajamahendr | upto 250 Guests | Rs. 500 price per plate |
Hall 2 of Hotel The Majestic | 100 - 300 Guests | Rs. 400 price per plate |
Banquet Hall of Royal Regency Gardens | 100 - 1200 Guests | Rs. 300 price per plate |
Farmhouse of Ms Convention | 250 - 400 Guests | Rs. 1200 price per plate |
Gardenia of Auspacious Convention Centre | 500 - 3000 Guests | Rs. 1450 price per plate |
Hall of Delicacy Family Restaurant | 100 - 300 Guests | Rs. 350 price per plate |
Hall 4 of Hotel Shubham Palace | 100 - 400 Guests | Rs. 525 price per plate |
Lawn of H F Convention | 500 - 1500 Guests | Rs. 350 price per plate |
Hall of Sdrs Pearl Palace | 200 - 1050 Guests | Rs. 300 price per plate |
Hall 1 of Classic Convention Three | 100 - 600 Guests | Rs. 0 price per plate |
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