FAQs of Pavilion 1 at Rodas Ecotel Hotel
How many event spaces are there at Rodas Ecotel Hotel?
6 Event spaces are there at Rodas Ecotel Hotel -
Parabola Restaurant, Boardroom II, Boardroom I, Pavilion 3, Pavilion 2, Pavilion 1
Is Rodas Ecotel Hotel good venue for destination wedding?
Yes, weddings and other functions with guests ranging from to 100 can be hosted at Rodas Ecotel Hotel. 36 rooms are available at the venue with a provision to arrange more at nearby properties
Is Rodas Ecotel Hotel good venue for family event?
Yes, family functions with guests ranging from to 100 can be hosted at Rodas Ecotel Hotel.
Is Rodas Ecotel Hotel good venue for residential corporate event?
Yes, corporate events, parties and other functions with guests ranging from to 100 can be hosted at Rodas Ecotel Hotel. 36 rooms are available at the venue with a provision to arrange more at nearby properties
Is Rodas Ecotel Hotel good venue for corporate event / dealers meet?
Yes, corporate events, parties and other functions with guests ranging from to 100 can be hosted at Rodas Ecotel Hotel.
What is the starting price per plate for vegetarian menu?
Starting price per plate for vegetarian menu is Rs. 1200
What is the starting price per plate for non-vegetarian menu?
Starting price per plate for non-vegetarian menu is Rs. 1200
Is there a time limit for celebration at Rodas Ecotel Hotel?
What is the catering policy?
What is the alcohol policy?
What is the current availability of parking spots?
Parking Outdoor: erhtrjh
Parking Capacity: 100
Parking Indoor: dwdw
Parking Capacity: 60
Are there any rooms available for guests?
What is the capacity of this venue?